All Alliance locations will open at their normal business hours on Friday, January 24 and remain open 2 hours later than their standard hours. Additionally, Alliance's Addis and Reiger locations will be open this Saturday, January 25 according to their normal business hours. Hours by Alliance location can be viewed here. Occupational medicine services will be available according to the schedule above.
SEE Inc. is an industry leader in providing safety solutions for small, mid-size and large companies in the areas of safety and safety education. SEE Inc. has been in business since 1992 with over 70 years of safety experience.
SEE, Inc. has added the COSS training to its internal core training for all safety staff. If your job is dealing with safety or HR in any way, this class is for you. This is a one week intensive training class to make you a better safety person or give you a strong start in safety.
“I wish I had this class when I started in safety in the late 90’s. I have had people that have been in the safety industry from a few weeks to one gentleman that had been in safety for almost 40 years. This class teaches everyone at least something. I had one student describe it to me during a class on a Tuesday it was like taking a drink from a fire hose of information, and by Thursday he said he was impressed at how confident he felt in knowing the information. This is much more than another safety credential this is an actual class that teaches a lot about the industry that you don’t learn in any other class I have ever been in. The training taught me new ways to attack issues, it also taught me to be a much better safety professional. I can tell you here at SEE, Inc. we believe in it so much we have added it into our required curriculum for all of our new hires in the field. It has taken our entire staff up a few levels and clients really see the difference. It’s not just about what OSHA says, it answers a lot of the why and how questions. I have checked back with students and gotten great success stories Some where just given safety as one of their responsibilities, some were HR directors, and some were seasoned safety veterans that all said they took what they learned back and applied this skills to their jobs and got great responses.”
Matt Murphy, President SEE Inc.
COSS Price
Member: $1,899
Non-Member: $1,999
Contact Info
The COSS Series includes intense, curriculum-based programs that cater to the needs of the beginning safety practitioner, as well as to the experienced safety professional.