ATTENTION MEMBERS - All Alliance Safety Council locations will be closed December 24 & 25 for the Christmas holiday.
Resources and Helpful Websites
Chemical Protective Gloves
The Benefits of a Risk Management Plan
OSHA Fatal Facts (Accident Report)
Guide to Risk Management
Risk-Based Standards for Chemical Facility Security
Risk Log
Risk Management Toolkit
Human Factors Analysis and Classification
Accident Causation Theories
Risk Matrix
Interactive Risk Matrix Activity
Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
Calculating Real ROI
Glossary of Insurance Terms
How To Compute Your Firms Incidence Rate
Injury Cost Calculator – Safety Management Group
OSHA Safety Pays Program
Jeremy’s Accident
Planning And Writing An Annual Budget
Profit And Loss Statement
Selling Safety to Management
What is EMR?
You And Your e-Mod
Budgeting For Safety
Your Experience Modification Rate
Success (and Failures) in the C-Suite
SMS Budgeting Worksheet
Indirect Costs of Accidents
The COSS Series includes intense, curriculum-based programs that cater to the needs of the beginning safety practitioner, as well as to the experienced safety professional.